Thursday, July 30, 2015

This is the beginning of a new me...yea I know, we've all said/thought that before. This time however, I REALLY mean it. After 10 years of teaching in one school, I decided to leave in lieu of a school/district much closer to where I live and where my kids will go to school. I am excited to teach Algebra 1 (haven't done that in a while) and Honors Algebra II (never taught that one before). This year will be full of changes, and I expect some to be bad/hard, but most to be good. It wasn't easy to leave my old school, but I know @Fouss will do just fine as my replacement. I guess this initial post, on my new and improved blog is to actually try to keep up with it this time! I've fallen too far behind, be come too complacent and this will be a great opportunity to reinvent myself and my classroom!